Name Image Section Minimum Maximum Warning criteria "Total_Deformation_Luranyl    85°C" A1.2 "E3  Minus" 0,0 mm  0,56 mm  Keine "Compared_Stretching_Luranyl   85°C" A1.3 "E3  Minus" 1,94×10 - 9 mm/mm  2,13×10 - 2 mm/mm  Keine Compared_Tension_Luranyl  85°C" A1.4 "E3  Minus" 1,48×10 - 6 MPa  16,24 MPa  Keine 4 A1  "Solution " "Solution"  contains the calculated answer for "E3 Minus 2"  with the load condit i ons  specified here: "Environment Ultradur 85°C". 4.3.1.  Structural mechanical results Chart  Data A1. S c enario 1  Images Image A1.1. " Environment Luranyl 85°C" Image A1.2." Total_Deformation Luranyl 85°C" Geometry Contours Image A1.3.  " Compared_Stretching Luranyl 85°C" Image A1.4.  " Compared_Tension _Luranyl 85°C" Contours Contours